Robots – the saving solution to workerless-ness?

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This title relates - to a (longer) headline I stumbled across at Handelsblatt the other day. Why stumbled? Because I felt both happy and worried at the same time! Of course, we at NEURA are working on exactly this task and – as far as I know…

Till Reuter comes to Neura!

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Where the automotive age once began, a young company is now poised to give Germany a new perspective as a technology leader - and win a race against Silicon Valley for a change.

Does Germany still have a chance?

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Yes, I admit this headline is a bit lurid and clickbait-ish. And this discussion - to be honest - is also getting on in years. But there is a good reason to recall them now at the start of automatica 2022. And I promise to provide an answer at the end of this post along with my rationale!

Generation Z needs perspectives!

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Recently, I've been seeing more and more talk shows in which entrepreneurs discuss the fact that "all the young" people - especially Generation Z –born after 1995 – are not as resilient as those who came before them.